What does an allergen do to the body? 

When an allergen infiltrates the body once more, the immune system quickly identifies it, resulting in a cascade of reactions. Tissue devastation dilates blood vessels, and high quantities of inflammatory substances, including histamine, may occur. Histamine is renowned for causing numerous allergy symptoms, such as: 

  • Runny nose or eyes
  • Watery eyes and nose
  • Sneezing
  • Hives
  • Headaches
  • Scratchy throat 
  • Respiratory troubles like asthma
Doctor examining a patient in a chair

What testing and treatments are available for allergies in Weston?

Are you or your loved ones struggling with allergies? Reap the benefits of a variety of testing, therapy, and treatments that provide relief! Allergy shots, allergy drops, biologic therapy, food, and drug allergy testing are all available to help minimize your symptoms.

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What are the different treatments available for allergies?

  • Allergy shots offer a lasting solution to environmental allergies, allowing patients to develop immunity to their allergen. Treatment commences with one or two weekly injections and gradually reduces until only maintenance is necessary. As the therapy continues, the quantity of the allergen will steadily increase in each injection providing long-term relief from your allergy symptoms.
  • Allergy drops provide a unique form of immunotherapy, leveraging your allergy to reduce its intensity over time. To use this method, simply place a few customized drops beneath the tongue based on what triggers you are allergic to. You will find substantial relief from your allergy symptoms by taking these drops regularly. 
  • Biologic therapy effectively tackles various conditions that affect the immune system, such as hives and eczema, asthma, chronic rhinosinusitis, nasal polyps – and beyond. By explicitly targeting parts of the immune system involved in persistent inflammation, Biologic Therapy can help combat these issues at the source.
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Allergy testing in Weston

Some patients have suspected allergies but may not yet receive a definite diagnosis. We can perform various types of allergy testing to confirm various allergens. We offer several types of allergy testing, including:

  • Drug allergy tests: can provide immense assurance and peace of mind. These assessments, such as skin prick testing, patch testing, oral tests, and more, are incredibly thorough in their approach - they help you identify any medications that may be detrimental to your health while ensuring that beneficial medicines aren't overlooked or avoided unnecessarily.
  • Food allergies: think you may have a food allergy? We've got you covered. Our team can use a skin prick test, blood testing, or an elimination diet - where specific foods are taken out of your meal plan and then reintroduced little by little - to measure any existing food sensitivities correctly.
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Woman's sinuses being examined by physician

Allergies and their effect on the quality of life

Allergies are far from a minor problem, with millions spent on anti-allergy medications and the draining cost of lost work time. Manifesting anything from sniffles to sneezes, symptoms of allergies can disrupt a person’s life, even if it is rarely life-threatening. This can range from decreased work efficiency or poor school performance to an overall decrease in the quality of life of those afflicted.

Fortunately, there are many approaches to symptom control for those determined to find relief. This can involve trying to be aware of exposure to known allergens, immunotherapy treatments like allergy shots, using nasal decongestant sprays, and taking medications prescribed by qualified professionals. By combining multiple management approaches, many sufferers have effectively reduced their discomfort and improved their state and quality of life.

What medications are available for allergies?

Medications can provide an essential method for reducing symptoms related to allergies. Antihistamines, nasal sprays, steroid sprays, saline sprays, and cortisone-type preparations are effective if used properly. Over-the-counter drugs may cause drowsiness but may also be beneficial in treating allergies. If your allergies persist despite medications, don't hesitate to get allergy testing at SFENTA from an allergist in Weston.

Our specialists will design a patient-specific treatment plan based on your results. Allergy drops offer a safe and convenient way to reduce allergic reactions, while allergy shots--involving controlled doses of the allergen--develop immunity and relieve symptoms.

With 37 convenient locations across the South Florida area, we’re never far away.

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